Thursday 21 May 2020

Dealing with backlog: Dead Space

Back when I worked at my very first part time job after moving up here there was a guy who raved about the Dead Space lore and recommended me that I played through the series. I didn't get around to it until now ^^;

The first game is 12 years old, if you can believe it. Twelve!! And unfortunately it hasn't aged well. There was severe mouse lag in the game, which meant that the camera moved as if in slow motion and it really made it hard to play. I also hated the POV. Felt like I was staring more at the back of the guy's head than I was looking for monsters. I played around with the in-game sensitivity but it didn't help. Every guide I found online that claimed to solve the issue said to disable V-sync in-game and enable it through the GPU control panel, which admittedly made it smoother but it was still moving in slow-motion. Playing with it felt like my eyes were drunk but my head wasn't. It was just really uncomfortable and was the reason why I could only handle 45-60 minutes per session.

Because every single guide I could find claimed the v-sync solution as the golden solution and no other alternatives were given and I couldn't figure it out myself, I finally decided to give up. I couldn't play the game when it was like that. However, from the little I played I got interested in the story and the lore and I was already planning on playing the second and third games in the series. 

So in the end I watched a playthrough to see what happened and where the game led. Disappointingly, the ending to Dead Space 1 was very obvious. I hope it gets better in two and three (whenever I get around to them).

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