Saturday 2 September 2023

Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom

Last time I was this excited for a chapter was Greymoor, and before that Morrowind. We're back in Morrowind and it’s all about my beloved Hermaeus Mora. 

I didn't like Leramil in the prologue, but she really grew on me as the chapter went on. I loved Scruut! Gadayn is super cute. 

The story offers some pretty strong implications for the entire lore with Torvesard and Ithelia, and if Mora could do that, then what else has he covered up in his endless pursuit of hoarding knowledge?

Peryite never gets to take much space in the games so it was pretty interesting to see more of him. 

I originally played through the chapter with my main and then I created a new character in the new Arcanist class and played through the chapter once more. The Arcanist class has potential to be one of my favourites, so much fun to play! 

As for the zone(s), it was pretty much the same deal as usual: world bosses, skyshards, tiny little things discoverable in the world that count towards exploration achiecements... The Bastion Nymic daily quest was entirely too much work for a daily and probably the one thing I wasn’t a fan of. To start with you have to run around the map looking for 3-4 world boss level Seekers, defeat them one after the other and then bring their ichor to specfic locations where you can open a portal to Mora's Bastion Nymic. Which is sort of like a weaker group dungeon set up like the public dungeons in Blackwood/The Deadlands in that you enter from different places each time and get different bosses. I entered my first one by myself and managed to get all the way to the last boss on my own, which I then constistently got to 50% HP but then couldn’t get any lower. I continued to be in groups consisting purely of DDs every time I did this, and once I did it just me and another guy when we couldn’t find any others to join. Nymics are too much work and so not worth it. I did it four times while I was playing the chapter as my main, comparatively I did the delve and boss dailies six times each in the same time frame. 

I loved the look of Apocrypha. First time you enter as part of the story Scruut tells you to not lool up as their sky can be disconcerting. So ofc I had to look up and that sky was beautiful ♡

As for side quests, my favourite was probably the one with Ysgild and Vorm, and the one with Morian Zenas, and the one referencing Sotha Sil's past. But I really loved exploring every place in Apocrypha. Azandar is an Arcanist so cool by default, but I can’t stand his personality. Sharp on the other hand quickly gained my approval and he became my Arcanist's steadfast companion.

The story played out pretty expectedly, but I’m still happy with it and I can’t wait to see what will happen next! This one had some pretty cool fights at the end :D

I love Meln.

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