One hundred hours later and I've done every side quest and all endings. I usually luck out on rocky releases and Cyberpunk wasn't an exception for me. It ran pretty smoothly. No missing textures, no falling through the map, no stuttering. Only glitches I found was that sometimes I couldn't pick up white trash loot because it had glitched into the ground. But that was it. And my GTX 1070 autodetected the game on ultra so I was happy about that. Didn't manage to run it at 120hz ofc, but I still had no major stuttering.
Hair glitched, but hair never looks great in games tbh... So yay, game worked and I'm happy.
And holy shit I loved this game. The world, the quests, the characters, the aesthetic... Just mwah ♥
As with any game I look forward to I don't watch anything beside the announcement trailer. So Cyberpunk turned out to be everything I wasn't expecting and nothing at all like I was expecting. But in a good way. I was thoroughly blown away.
Any downsides? Traffic was hell, driving in first person was terrible (so I always switched to third person for driving), and it happened way too many times that I accidentally chose a dialogue option when I was just trying to loot and a character started talking to me at the same time. Same button xD But Night City was so darn beautiful.
On a side note I really love that the band Samurai is available on Spotify as Samurai, even though it's Refused that's making the songs IRL. I'd love for Refused to do a world tour as Samurai and bring Keanu Reeves along and then have him appear on stage for every gig in full Silverhand getup. Can we please get on that?
So in the order stuff pops into my head:
Johnny was an ass, but a loveable ass. Halfway through the game I was properly in love with the guy. And I really enjoyed every quest where he got to take over and be in control. Those were always a lot of fun. Especially his boys night out xD
I loved Judy- And she was so pretty. Half of my screenshots from this game are just close-ups of her. So I was really sad when I came to the decision to turn her down and stick with River. River was a lot better SO for V. Like seriously. I love you, Judy, but you're volatile.
The side quests became soooo much better in the second act. I managed to play the quest with the crucifixion and the quest with Randy's kidnapping right after one another and I'm not sure whether I was blown away or grossed out, but both of those stayed with me. Because damn. Having to actually crucify a guy... I winced with every hit on the nails...
Losing Jackie in the beginning made me so sad and the memorial with Mama Welles brought me to tears. I used Jackie's bike 90% of the time after that.
I super enjoyed the hidden side quest where I get to fix and then ride a rollercoaster. So much fun! And all the loveable AIs... Skippy and Delamain to name a few. I wasn't happy with how Delamain's quest ended for me. But all three choices had terrible downsides...
And the endings... I played through all five of them. The first ending I chose was the default one which ultimately has you choose whether to surrender to Arasaka or not. I chose to surrender because V would die anyway. Sadness. Second ending I chose was going with Rogue and letting Johnny keep the body. I really liked the way this ending turned out, but that visit to the cemetery... More sad. Third ending was to go with Rogue but keep the body. V is still dying and the relationship is in shambles. Ffs. Fourth ending was to go with Panam and this ending shows the most promise in finding a way for V to survive. But losing Saul... SAD. Fifth ending is the one where V just goes fuck it all and commits suicide. That one broke me and I was trying so hard not to flat out burst into tears as the credits rolled and V's friends' voicemails started playing. Can I get one happy ending, please?! Just one?!?! :C
I definitely need to play through this game again. Once as a female and get Judy and maybe that means she'll go with me when I leave with Panam? She leaves on her own if you don't romance her so probably? And I also need to replay it as a male so I can get in Rogue's pants.
One thing I learned from this game; sex scenes in first-person POV are very strange.
I loved this game.