Thursday 11 April 2024


When this show was new we talked about watching it, but always ended up watching other things and then we kind of forgot about it. However, when it was recently my time to choose a show for us to watch I randomly remembered this show and decided it was time. 

I wasn't alive when Chernobyl happened (born four years later) and Toni was barely two years old, so neither of us were really around for it, but we've both heard stories. Like how mushrooms and berries were prohibited to be picked in the wilds of northern Sweden for years afterwards due to radioactivity. 

The show was brilliant in showcasing what went wrong and slowly, bit by bit, allowing the audience to become completely horrified by all the covering up and endangering that was going on.

The slides at the end of the last episode which showed real photos and told the story of what ultimately happened to the people portrayed in the show was absolutely heartbreaking.

This show was fucking amazing.