Wednesday 9 February 2022

Locke & Key S02

When was it that we watched the first season? *scrolling**scrolling**scrolling* March 2020. Alrighty then.

Then it makes total sense why both of us were completely lost and confused through the first half of this season. Why was there no "Previously on..."?!?! It's been two years since the previous season - if any show deserves a "previously on" it's Locke & Key.

Anyway, halfway through we had recalled enough to lose most of the confusion. A lot of this season had us not knowing what was going on. Would Josh be a new bad guy? He definitely had some sus things going on. What was Gabe's end-goal? And omg could we get rid of Eden soon?

The introduction of the memory key was a welcome addition and having Duncan on the team was definitely a good thing. Every single episode after Duncan had his memories restored I kept waiting for the kids to use the key on Nina, because it was heart-breaking to me to watch her know that something was going on, but having no way to know what. So when Bode took the leap I was very happy. Can't wait to see how that turns out.

And I really hope Tyler changes his mind. Can't we just have the whole family know? Please?

Making the new villain a 18th century military officer who's already described as a terrible person, promises to make season 3 very interesting.

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