Saturday 1 June 2024

Game completed: Ghostwire Tokyo

It's been a month since I completed this game and I think it might be one of the best games I've played this year so far. I was curious about this game as soon as it was announced at E3 2019, but other things kept taking priority. 

I love Japanese mythology and this game really delivered on that part and it was both cool and weird to run around Shibuya like: "I've been here!" So trippy. 

I had some issues when I first started in that I got sound but no cutscenes, the screen was entirely black, so I had to do some troubleshooting first thing, which kind of killed the mood to play it a bit. But I'm glad I stuck with it and played it because it was amazing *w*

I found the fighting really cool. The weaving was just very aesthetically pleasing to me. The parades were scary at first but after that first time I just charged into them whenever I encountered them. I also had a great time grappling around the tops of the skyscrapers. 

The added content from Spider's Thread was mostly cool. The graffiti was a bit annoying to find at times, but the spirit photography was cool and the quest in the school was the scariest shit I've played in a long time. Once that mannequin started moving and following me I was just running around like "I don't wanna. I don't wanna. I don't wanna T_T"

I loved the shinobi outfit which changed the bow for kunai and wore that most of the time. 

After I finished the game I also played through the free prelude, which is a visual novel type game that sets the scene for the game. However the prelude spoils some things from the story of the main game so it's recommended you play the prelude after the game itself as some extra background of some of the characters. 

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