Tuesday 31 March 2015

Dragon Age: Inquisition - Jaws of Hakkon DLC

Been really careful with spoilers. Written nothing that the trailer doesn't show/mention.

I was ridiculously excited for this DLC. Especially since it arrived completely out of the blue! The day before it was released it was announced by BioWare :P Turned out I was in for an agonising wait the day after. I had planned on playing it the entire day of release. I started getting discouraged around 3pm and looked around the Internet for anything close to a release time. Found a guy on a forum saying that stuff from BioWare usually was released around 9am L.A time. He was right. At exactly 5pm my local time the DLC popped up at Origin. I bought it and started playing it.

It was obviously a filler DLC, to keep the players busy while they're working for the big thing. (I'm still hoping for something similar to Witch Hunt, but concerning Solas, and I'm hoping for something like Awakening - a whole new campaign). But it was still great. I loved all the new fluff around Scout Harding and I loved the more in-depth history concerning the last Inquisitor. Also I loved the fact that the DLC included dealing with more Avvar (both friendly and hostile) and that the Skywatcher wasn't forgotten. Despite being such a small DLC (about 8 hours playtime, me thinks) there were some difficult choices to be made, especially concerning The Exile and Harding's Friend. The new area open for exploration was incredibly diverse and beautiful. I liked it a lot. The new Astrariums were a bit of a challenge, but I managed without any help. And there were yet more shards to pick up! But this time for a more immediate reward :P

I'm not fond of areas where the whole place is against you. Like in the old temple where the entire place was so cold that the place itself was an enemy. It kept me on the edge of my seat, though, because I was so scared of dying going through that place. Even more scared than fighting the actual end boss. The actual end boss was a bit of a disappointment tbh. It wasn't that hard. The surprise attack by five lvl 30 despair demons at a certain place was more of a challenge!

I really enjoyed the fact that there were some new war table missions to go with the new DLC and it was a lot of fun to play on my first character again.


  1. När jag tänker på att jag har spelet hemma (inte DLC´n men ändå) och inte har spelat det så får jag en kittlande känsla o blir helt pirrig av tanken att jag ska spela det. xD

    ...jag har inte gjort det är för vill att VIktor ska spela klart o vill köra igenom main questet på ESO nu när det är gratis x3

    1. DA är helt klart värt det. Medan du väntar kan du ju alltid köra igenom de två föregående spelen med tillhörande DLC också ^^ Dragon Age Origins är fortfarande det absolut bästa spelet i serien.

      Och ja, jag hade också spelat massor med ESO nu ifall de fått sin jäkla launcher att fungera :/ Tydligen ett vanligt problem att den inte gör det.


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