Monday 11 March 2019

Game completed: Far Cry 5

I love the Far Cry series. I absolutely do. But I can see where all the critique about FC5 is coming from. 

Far Cry 5 is absolutely gorgeous and the story was interesting and at least Joseph's part was somewhat realistic (which is pretty scary). But a zealot religious Christian cult taking over a community in the US? Yes, seems pretty plausible. I was originally against the idea of having a Far Cry set in the US, mainly because it was too familiar. Other Far Cry games have always been exotic and taken place far away on some forgotten island or isolated region. Far Cry 5 was smash-bang in the middle of familiar territory and it seemed odd, and not in a good way. 

But having it in Montana was actually pretty nice - there were no alligators in the waters for once! On the downside I have no idea how many times I died because of misjudging a jump during mountain-climbing. Montana is seriously mountainous. Or at least Hope County is. 

The first order of criticism came from the disruptive cutscenes. I didn't get this at first. I started with John's region, to the southwest. He kidnapped me twice (before the final showdown) and always made it obvious that he allowed me to escape. Because he enjoyed toying with me. I didn't think that were too many disruptive cutscenes. Then I moved on to Faith's region, and her cutscenes were literally not disruptive as you actually had to interact with her apparition to see the story sequence. But then I got to Jacob's region, and then I understood. Holy hell, can you just let me do one thing?! Would you please let me finish this... oh, no, alright, I'm back in a cage, so how am I getting away this time?. Jacob's whole brainwashing thing was creepy af and ultimately heartbreaking. While I in the end felt sorry for Faith, and while John was just a nuisance needing to be dealt with (like a bug), I actually enjoyed dealing with Jacob and finishing him off. He was a creepy psychotic bastard. So yes, I can understand this criticism. But unless you start with Jacob's region, it isn't all that noticeable until the end and when Jacob's cutscenes keep interrupting your game you've played it for so long that you might as well stick it out. 

The second order of criticism came from the fact that Rook, the protagonist, had no voice. This made me laugh so hard because I just drew parallells. Dragon Age fans who complain that BioWare won't go back to the Origins model of having a mute protagonist because they like roleplaying. Same goes for Fallout fans who were outraged by the fact that the protag in 4 had a voice. But Far Cry has always had a voiced protag and now, when it doesn't people are outraged about that? I'm aware both DA and FO are RPGs and FC is a FPS (with RPG elements, though!) so they probably have very different player bases, but still it's hilarious. Devs seem stuck in a Catch-22, nothing they do is right in the eyes of the players. There was a nice little Easter egg referencing this point. Personally I like voices in any game that isn't entirely text based. It feels so odd to have other characters talking but your own can't/won't. I would've preferred a voiced Rook tbh (but I also would've liked a voiced Warden). 
Far Cry 5 changed a few things in the old formula that has been around since Far Cry 3. For example there are no more hunting quests and you don't need to gather animal skins to be able to upgrade your inventory. Just do more things and get more perks! And amazingly your wallet can't get full anymore! Hallelujah! However, Far Cry 5 added an element that I just thoroughly dislike in any game - fishing. It's just so boring. And frustrating. 

I did every side mission in the game except for the Clutch Nixon ones. I was so relieved to discover that there were no races in Far Cry 5 (because I suck), but then I happened upon Clutch Nixon, which are daredevil hardcore race things. And after failing about 12 times at the exact same spot on the very first one I happened upon I decided to just not do them. 

The final showdown against Joseph was such a cool fight, and honestly, the adrenaline in the car fleeing from the nuclear fallout was such a high.

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