Monday 6 July 2020

Dealing with backlog: Bastion

I got this game on some Steam sale and started playing it on a whim. I've heard good things about it.

I really loved the narrator. He made the game, and made me laugh out loud so many times while playing. I also really enjoyed the art style and the graphics and the story seemed interesting, but also like it was added as an afterthought.

Unfortunately this game was too dungeon-crawler-y for me. Too much of "This is your base. This is a level. Clear the level. Update the base. Go to next level." Without any fluff. I like fluff. I want story fluff and engaging characters and exploration. Basically I need a game that's more open and less linear. The linearity of it is what ultimately put me off finishing it.

The narrator alone and the cute art style could've been enough for me to continue playing, but the linearity just took all the fun out of it for me. I got about halfway through until I added it to my DNF pile.

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