Sunday 31 July 2022

Love, Death & Robots S03

My initial impression of  the third season of Love, Death & Robots was that it wasn't as good as the previous two seasons. But giving myself time to reflect on it while writing this blog post has convinced me that this season was just as amazing as the first season. The second season was okay. 

Here are my favourites from this season:

Three Robots: Exit Strategies: The three robots from the first season are back and continue their tour of the post-apocalyptic human world. Lots of dark humour.

Bad Travelling: Beautifully made and with a Lovecraftian vibe. This is probably my number one fave from this season.

Night of the Mini Dead: This was probably the funniest episode in the entire season, but only for the sped up filming and how preposterous the whole thing looks when filmed like that. Shit went downhill quickly. 

Mason's Rats was nice and could probably work as a video game. A Scottish man finds rats in his barns full of GMO. The rats are evolved and can now use tools, rudimentary weapons, and wear clothing and trinkets. He goes on full out war with them, only to discover that they aren't so far from humans. 

In Vaulted Halls Entombed. Cthulhu, is that you? This episode is like a lovestory to the Cthulhu Mythos. 

The rest of the season was mostly a long string of wtfs and this shit's weird. 

The Very Pulse of the Machine is a hallucinogenic fever dream on one of Jupter's moons. 

Kill Team Kill is a war story with a cybernetically enhanced grizzly bear. Just one long fight sequence.

Swarm was weird. Humans doing human stuff and plotting to enslave the swarm of an alien hive mind. It doesn't go according to plan.

Jibaro literally had me gaping at the screen while it played because it was so weird. It's filmed as if it was a silent movie from the 1920s but with colour and sound. Lots of sped up and janky movement. It's very artistic, which I appreciated, but it was so weird. The time and resources it must've taken to make this episode is mind-boggling. The animation is so smooth that I for a moment thought this was filmed with actual people. 

While Jibaro wasn't a favourite of mine, it definitely stayed in my mind for a really long time. It's extremely memorable and easily sticks with you. 

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