Tuesday 23 July 2024

Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Road

This was a long time coming. As excited as I was about the lore aspect of Ithelia, I wasn't actually all that excited to play it and the new scribing system didn't speak to me at all, but eventually I got going with it anyway. 

I did the prologue which was pretty cool, especially the underwater sequence, and then I started on the scribing stuff, which was actually a mad annyong rampage across the entirety of Tamriel. Just a whole lot of back and forth through portals and wayshrines and it just turned into a whole lot of loading screens. While it was neat to learn more about Ulfshild and Shalidor and the consequences of Sheogorath taking Eyevea, it wasn't very inspiring gameplay to jump around the world map. 

And then we got going to West Weald and the story proper. Ithelia's story is overall a sad one without a satisfying ending. The Dawnwood was pretty interesting though and may hearken back to the jungle that Cyrodiil was supposed to be according to early TES lore, but I don't like the wildburn as an infection that spreads through the creatures and the nature. 

I had a lot fun using the Daedric artefacts throughout the main questline, especially the sword, and the final boss fights against Torvesard and Ithelia were great. The entire thing at Hoperoot was cool too. 

I was not a fan of the Mirrormoor Incursion world events, which are this region's anchors/geysers/dragons/harrowstorms: there was way too much running around involved.

I recommend not playing Gold Road immediately after Dragon Age Inquisition if you played a female Inky with the British voice. All I could hear whenever Ithelia spoke was my Inky xD

All in all I'd say it was a decent chapter, but the lore was more intriguing than the gameplay. 

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