Wednesday 10 August 2022

Elder Scrolls Online: Markarth DLC

After two long years I suddenly find myself back in Tamriel and I have so much to catch up on! They've added a bunch of new features and entirely changed the champion point system. 

When I started I first spent a couple of hours putting my character back together since they had reset all the CP and all the skills ^^; Trying to remember what skills I favoured was an uphill battle, but I got there in the end. 

Then I did the prologue quest for Markarth DLC with Gwendis and then got going on the DLC proper. Time to finish the Dark Heart of Skyrim chapter :3 In my first post about this chapter I was hoping that Verandis would make a return. And I absolutely called it!!! :D

I confess I might be a bit too attached to Verandis, and I may like him a bit too much, but I was running around the later half of the DLC main quest mumbling "if you do Verandis like you did Tharn I'll be so upset". And for a minute there I thought they did, but only almost... I'll take it! Stop with my favourite characters already. 

Overall this DLC was amazing. I loved finding out more about the Reach and the Forsworn. Even finding out the backstory for Rada al-Saran and how he connected with Verandis, was almost like finding out Vanus Galerion's backstory at Artaeum and how he connected to Mannimarco. I just really liked this story. 

Harrowstorms are still a lot of fun. 

There were a lot of cool places in this DLC, I especially appreciated the slip of land that had been severed from Coldharbour. The final fight against Rada al-Saran was really cool and the area where it was was very plane of Oblivion-esque, but so very fitting. 

Markarth is the City of Stairs. 

My favourite side quest was probably the one with Eslyn and Madearn and the clan feud that they were asked to solve by getting married. It was a fun quest that didn't end in a way I expected it to. I also liked the one where you helped Adusa-daro recruit someone to the Ravenwatch clan. 

Dark Heart of Skyrim has been the most fun I've had with a chapter since Morrowind. Maybe because I absolutely love the vampire theme, or maybe because it's Skyrim. I dunno. But getting to Markarth and Solitude and immediately knowing my way around was a nice change of pace from trying to find my way in every other city in ESO :P

Time to go to Blackwood :3

And since it's been so long since I've been in ESO here are my other ESO related posts from newest to oldest:
Greymoor chapter
Harrowstorm DLC
Dragonhold DLC
Elsweyr chapter
5 year anniversary
Guild trial madness run number 2 - level 5 characters in MoL, AA and CR.
Murkmire DLC
Summerset chapter
Guild trial madness run number 1 - level 15 characters in SO
Clockwork City DLC
Horns of the Reach DLC
Morrowind chapter
Morrowind CE unboxing
First ever Jester's Festival
When housing first came to ESO
First ever New Life Festival + Shadows of the Hist DLC
First ever Witches' Festival + Dark Brotherhood DLC
Thieves Guild DLC and Orsinium DLC
When I joined my first proper guilds
When I returned after ESO made the sub optional
First post after initial release in 2014
Imperial Edition unboxing
Post-beta post

I've been around from the start and at this point whenever I start the game it just feels like coming home.

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