Tuesday 2 March 2010

New friends

The first real school day was today and to make sure that I was going to be on time I ended up being half an hour too early ^^; Hopefully I will be better tomorrow. The lesson was OK, not too hard, not too easy and after the lesson almost all of us went out to have lunch (lesson ended at 12.40pm). So it was me, three other Swedish guys (Jocke (aka Yuki), Martin and Evgeniij), a German guy and girl (Julien and Karolina), a Chinese girl (Melanie), a Taiwanese girl (Chao Pei), a Hong Kong girl (Jennifer) and an Italian girl (Laura). All of us didn't go to the same level of conversation course but since they all ended at the same time we went together :) In my class there's some other people too.

After lunch some of us (Yuki, Martin, Jennifer, Chao Pei (Chappie) and Melanie) went out to go shopping. After a while Martin had to go and just after that we bought a deep fried meatball each (just because Jennifer had heard they were really good and the place that sold them kind of famous). We walked around trying to find somewhere to sit to eat our meatballs and ended up in front of the elevators on the 8th floor in the Tokyu-building. People looked a lot on us when they walked by and we couldn't stop laughing about it.
After that we continued to shop. Yuki was kind of bored after a while and so was I since the Chinese (yes I'm generalising here) girls only wanted to go to shops with cute stuff in them. Although it was kind of fun to smell on different kinds of teas in the cutest tea shop you could imagine. Then we ended up at Hanjiro, where I found a year's supply of T-shirts for me :P I only bought two, though. Since it was cheaper if you bought two ;) Hanjiro had the most amazing stairway and I took a picture of it. I love it!Then Chappie had to leave and we started to think about dinner. In the end we decided to go to Ikebukuro to eat tonkatsu. Yuki loves tonkatsu and Jennifer knew about a good place in Ikebukuro :) I forgot to take a picture since I was too busy hanging out xD

Around 9.15pm I decided it was time to start to head back to Setagaya (the area where I live), so we payed and they kept on hanging out while I took the tube home on my own. It all went well all the way to Shibuya, where I was going to change. In Shibuya I only looked at the name of the train and not what type of train it was. It ended up being an express train and those don't stop at Sakura-shinmachi :P I ended up in a nowhere place called Futaka-tamagawa. But there I changed to the train going back and this time I made sure it was a local one :P So in the end I got home.


  1. Hi hi, bra där med lokaltrafik ;p Hur gör du när du äter middag ute med din värdmamma? För du ska ju kunna äta middag hemma om du vill.

  2. Betalar du varje gång du åker tåg eller har du nått sånt kort?

    Btw, min flatmate bodde osso i Setagaya när han bodde i Tokyo XD

  3. Re Kajsa: Jag äter inte ute med värdmamman. Det var bara i måndags och tisdags vi åt ute själv (fick pengar av henne till att göra det) för att hon skulle besöka sin mans grav och grejer... Annars ska det vara mat hemma alltid.

    Re Tiffany: Jag har ett kort. Det funkar som våra busskort förutom att dom är bättre xD Jag skriver in en linje (alltså den jag åker varje dag, hemifrån till skolan) med kortet sen får jag rabatt på alla andra linjer jag åker med :)

  4. Okej, du svarade på min fråga fast du uppfattade den fel. Jag menade hur gör du när du äter ute med dina vänner istället för hemma.

  5. Efter skolan går vi ut tillsammans för att äta lunch. Sen umgås vi ute tills vi är hungriga igen och då går vi och äter tillsammans :P


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